Sunday, April 18, 2010


Sunrise.  It's a crisp, clear, Sunday morning.  Peaceful.  Birds singing to welcome the new day

The rising sun brings a dance of color on the leafing trees.  So beautiful

My favorite time of day... when the world quietly awakens. 

I love morning. 

A new growth of tulips stretch to greet the morning sun. 


Elaine said...

Kenn, I KNOW I commented on how beautiful these photos were a few days ago, but my comment is not here!!!
I so love the mornings as well especially at that time when everything is just starting to awaken. Your tulips are so pretty!

mike said...

What is her problem with the commenting??? Sheesh! :)

(just kidding).... wonderful sunrise photos and sentiments. If ONLY I was up that early.... 4am is just too damned early! :) Or is it 7am now that the sun rises?