Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Classic Celebration

With the wonderful news that 'classic' Martha Stewart programming will be returning to the Hallmark Channel in just a couple weeks, I dug through my archives to find the audio to a commercial for the Martha Stewart Living television show that I don't recall ever seeing on the air. 

Since many of us are 'celebrating' the return of classic tv moments with Martha, I thought I would share the audio with you.  To keep it interesting, I added a few images too. 


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! And I HAVE the Hallmark channel on my limited, limited, basic cable programming! :) Thanks for the great little video Kenn!

Elaine said...

How fun! Great news about the classics airing on Hallmark. I will set the DVR. Thanks for the announcement!

Gabriela said...


Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

~ Gabriela ~