Monday, December 24, 2007

Some people collect coins, some people collect dishware. Some people even collect shoes. One of the things I collect: Martha. "Marthabilia."
I started collecting Martha items in October of 1997. I invested in the company and I started to take a closer look at the various product lines and the person behind the company. That started it! It dawned on me that what I was experiencing as a television viewer, a subscriber and as an investor was something historical. There is no other company like Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
My collection ranges from hard to find Martha by Mail items to corporate promotional material and press kits. I've been working on collecting promotional 'wear' as well with t-shirts, baseball caps, aprons, and tote bags. I have large poster prints that were used for in-store merchandising and hanging banners used in outdoor garden areas. From pencils to promotional materials the collection continues to grow.
My major source of merchandise is eBay. Just recently, I found my neweset 'bag' given to some employees of Macy's.

Here are a few other pictures of collection pieces:

A collection of press kits

The debut of Martha Stewart Everyday at Kmart in 1997

One of the first items sold by Martha and Company... before Martha by Mail was created. Peony note cards.

Some of it all put together. See the organge "media" tag just to the upper left of the yellow t-shirt? This was a media pass to attend Martha's "Welcome Home" press conference after her release from Alderson. A treasured peice of Marthabilia!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful collection! I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of Martha items out there!

Anonymous said...

where did u get the press kits from do u have one from the martha show itself?