Saturday, July 5, 2008

Raspberries Mean Summer

You know it's summer when the raspberries start ripening, providing what seems to be an endless bounty of summer sweetness.

I have been picking berries every day since Wednesday. It's almost started to be a battle with the birds that stop by - they like the berries too!

We'll easily have enough berries for raspberry jam, tarts, or just to enjoy with yogurt or by themselves!


  1. AnonymousJuly 05, 2008

    So... you'll be canning and making raspberry tarts, here soon, right? I just wanted to verify your statement. :)

    How lucky NOT to have to buy these.... they can be so expensive.... yours look delicious!

    Thanks for sharing the berries.

  2. AnonymousJuly 05, 2008

    Yes, I think we need to see a raspberry tart soon, Kenn. How great that you can harvest your own berries.

    I have that same berry colandar, but in green. What a coincidence. :-)
