Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A July Morning

I love these little clay Martha Stewart Everyday pots

Come, walk with me. When the gardens were originally created, the idea was to create a space where people have to walk around the yard. The grassy areas actually act as paths from one garden to another.

I'm not sure what kind of shrub this is. It blooms with a zillion tiny yellow blossoms each year. It's struggling to survive. It's been here forever.

The Yucca plants are beginning to bloom

My Chinese Wisteria plant is lush and full, but it didn't bloom this year. I have no idea why.

The morning glories are starting to climb their bamboo stakes. I'm hoping for a lush full tee-pee of beautiful blue morning glories.

This purple flower (I have no idea what it is) comes up every year and spreads like crazy. It could be a weed for all I know!

The ferns continue to pop up everywhere. Here, they are popping up in the path

I love placing pots of flowers in the garden. This pot just reminds me of a wedding.

My Endless Summer Hydrangea is actually developing some new buds! I'm thrilled! I thought for sure they would have died after the long winter months.

This stuff is crazy! I can't find the plant tag to tell you what it is, but it started off as one small little plant and has spread like crazy through one garden. Actually, I've stopped planting in this garden and just let it take over. It's very flowing and will continue to bloom for the remainder of the summer.

The raspberries are ripening. I feel a tart coming on!

Another view of the side garden. We're going for the natural woodsy type feeling.

Another view of the same garden. There are a few little spots of color, but for the most part it's about textures and shades of green.

Ferns, ferns, everywhere!

Zinnia's, Delphiniums, and Daisies, oh my!


  1. AnonymousJuly 02, 2008

    Beautiful, just beautiful, Kenn! Thank you for taking us on a walk!

  2. AnonymousJuly 03, 2008

    It must be nice to have all that space, for all those wonderful plants, and to wander around. It would take you about 5 seconds to tour my backyard. :)

    Thanks for sharing the growing process! It's nice to see all the new members of your garden club! :)
