Sunday, June 8, 2008

More From the Garden

It seems as though each and every day the gardens change. Here are a couple more shots of the garden taken on Saturday.

The Four O'clocks are blooming. Here are a few among the candy stripe roses. Four O'clocks spread like crazy. I find them springing up all over the place. They do provide a great 'bright spot' in any garden. You can also see a couple very healthy Black Eyed Susan plants on the left. They will bloom in another month or so.

The Peonies are in maximum bloom now. With the heat and rain we've been experiencing, they all bloomed within a couple days and they are already beginning to fade out. I wish Peonies lasted longer. Several were cut for a gorgeous arrangement in the house.

This is an interesting character in the garden. It's a wild shrub rose that one day appeared in the garden. I was reading on another blog about an invasive wild rose that sounded very similar to this one. I wonder if...?? It has taken over a corner of one of the gardens. The blooms are very delicate white blossoms that resemble an apple blossom. It only blooms once a year, but seems to be resistant to any type of typical rose diseases such as black spot. Once the blooms are spent, it will remain lush and green - providing great texture contrast.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2008

    More beautiful photos, Kenn! I love your peonies!
