Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Late June Garden Update

The first Clematis bloom of the season

My herb pot (one of three)

Basil anyone?

The Chicago Peace Rose and it's first bloom. The other buds have rotted, which doesn't make me happy!

No matter what I do with settings on my camera, I cannot get a good picture of this wonderful yellow rose. My Mom bought this plant for me years ago and it blooms all season long.

A blue and light blue/white delphinium among the Lillie's and other plants

More Lillie's

Welcome to Grandma's house! Geraniums in a window box (actually, it's a fence box).

Another blue delphinium

The Color Purple (in an urn that is..)

The Lady's Mantle in bloom. The rain knocked the long stems over.

This is the grey cat that has decided to make his/her home here in the garden. I've named him/her Sebastian (Seba if it's a female). S/he is adorable. So loving and friendly.

This hanging planter was a gift from my sister a few years ago. It's a double hanging copper pot planter. I've always loved this planter. Once the petunias grow out to their maximum size it will be a wave of color.

Potted Hosta lend themselves to cover some of the water feature that sits just off the patio.

Pinks, reds, purples... there is no theme.

My lavender has been non stop blooms this year. It smells SO good when you walk up the porch steps.


  1. AnonymousJune 22, 2008

    Kenn, everything looks glorious! I like that you don't have a two-tone color palette, but paint your garden with lots of colors. No wonder Sebastian/Seba has decided to take up residence there!

  2. AnonymousJune 22, 2008

    Just how many darn plants do you have???

    :) They all are beautiful! What fun to watch them all grow, bloom and live amongst each other!

  3. AnonymousJune 22, 2008

    Thanks Elaine! It is a comfy place to be. By the end of July things will start to look a little worn, especially if it gets hot, hot, hot again.

    Mike: I have no clue how many plants there are. A ga-gillion at the very least!

  4. looks amazing! So colorful and inviting!
