Sunday, May 4, 2008

An Early May Garden - How it Grows!

It was a beautiful day. The temperatures were very seasonal and mild, the sun was bright, the sky was that special color of blue. It was the perfect spring day to be outdoors and wander through the garden.

The wild violets mix themselves into most anything else that is growing in the garden. Their purple faces provide a wonderful hint of color in all the growing greenery.

This year, they seem to have spread throughout the gardens. Some people don't like them.. I love the way they look in early spring.

Several weeks ago, I reported that my peonies had started to emerge from their winters nap. It's amazing what a few short weeks of warmth and sunshine will do! They are now over a foot tall with small buds beginning to develop. I love peonies! They are such an old fashioned flower.

The last of the tulips could be found in the rear of the house near a small storage barn. Along with the few tulip soldiers, the lady's mantel is growing nicely as well as a few more hostas. The small evergreens that were planted a couple years ago are showing signs of new growth as well. Tulips are indeed an ode to spring.

There are ferns growing EVERYWHERE. These large wild ferns were transplants from a walk in he northern Michigan woods. They have spread and spread throughout the gardens. I love seeing the fiddle heads emerge and stretch to the warm sun. These ferns will grow to be about three feet tall. They are huge! They will stay lush and green until about August... then the heat of the summer does them in!


  1. AnonymousMay 04, 2008

    Beautiful, Kenn. Just beautiful! I love the violets and ferns. I have not grown Peonies, but maybe this year I will give it a try. Thank you for sharing!

  2. AnonymousMay 05, 2008

    Wow, you have such a variety of plants! How do you keep up with all of their individual needs? Love the birdbath design - is that a "Martha"? I too, haven't ventured into peony village - but love looking at all of my neighbor's - she even has a peony tree. Hm... :)

    AND I love your soil tool (since I have the same one). :)

    LOVE the cat sidebar! :)
    They're beautiful - I especially love Cinnamon!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    what beautiful gardens!

  4. Thanks Josh... now, they pale in comparison to Beekman, but I do enjoy my little corner of paradise!
    Thanks for stopping by..
