Thursday, February 21, 2008

The First Sign of Spring

With the sun shining brightly all day today, I decided to take a walk outside and take in the fresh air. Much to my surprise, when I moved some of the leaves that covered one of the cutting gardens I discovered the first sign of spring... daffodils beginning to emerge for the season!

Each year, this particular cutting garden bursts forth with some of the first color of spring with about 200 daffodils and close to 100 tulips. It's a wonderful wave of color as the days grow a bit longer and the breezes become a bit warmer.

This has been a long winter.. this little bit of green gives me hope that warmer temperatures aren't too far away!


  1. I always get so excited when I see the first bud or the first leave emerging from the soil. Spring is defintely around the corner! You will have to take photos of the daffodils and tulips!

  2. Kenn - I noticed daffodils creeping up in my yard too - a few days ago. I thought "yeah!!!" It's amazing how much those little shoots can put you in the Spring mood. Although I only have about 15 dafs and about 20 tulips. :) A few shy of your 200! PLEASE take pictures of them!
